Thursday, April 26, 2012

Family Vacation!

I'm so excited we are starting to plan out the official details for our first real vacation for our family of 3!  Now some may wonder, didn't you go to Florida last year?  Well yes but that doesn't count for a few reasons.
1.  Raeleigh was 6 months old.
2.  We drove there with my Mom in the car.
3.  Half the time we stayed at my Grandparents house.
4.  When we went to Disney, we left Raeleigh with my Mom and Grandparents.

This time we are headed to California!  Again, we are staying with family (yes I'm that fortunate to have family that lives in both Florida and California!) but we will mostly be doing our own thing.  We'll be flying there and it will be Raeleigh's first flight!  We'll stay at my Aunt's house in Long Beach and then just explore all of SoCal.  I've been there before but Jake hasn't and obviously neither has Raeleigh.  We plan to go to all of the touristy places and Universal Studios and of course the beach.  We went to the beach in Florida but it was January and it looked like this.
Definitely not bathing suit weather.
Anyway, I can't wait to spend that time away together as a family.  It will be amazing!

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