Friday, November 19, 2010

This is Great!

I am 100% in love with being a mom to my little Raeleigh. She brings so much joy into my life. I feel cliche saying these things but they are so true. Getting her to smile is the best feeling ever. I don't mind being goofy or singing silly songs I just wanna see that adorable smile! And she is such a happy baby, smiling and talking and best of all laughing! She is ticklish on her belly and her neck and you can guarantee I tickle her a lot! Hearing your daughter laugh is so cool! And they're big belly laughs too. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!
Now we are entering into the holiday season and I am so excited to spend it with Raeleigh. Having a kid brings back so much excitement to the holidays. It brings back excitement to a lot of things actually. The mundane is no longer so. Of course I've always loved the holidays so add the excitement of sharing them with Raeleigh and I'm about to burst! I love Christmas shopping for her. I know she wont really understand whats going on but she will enjoy playing with the toys she gets so that's fun to me!
Life is great. Jake and I are happy as can be and even with as much stress as Raeleigh's early issues caused we got through it and came out of it even better than we went into it. Jake is an incredible father and husband and I think about how blessed I am to have him literally every single day.

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